
Сообщения за августа 3, 2016

Why Russia wants to eliminate leaders "L / DPR"?

Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky earned millions the war. There was said many words, there is sufficient evidence and it is not a secret for anyone. The leaders used a range of mechanisms for enrichment of his fortune, which in no way contributed to the improvement of the living standards of residents, so-called "DPR" and "LPR". The self-proclaimed "leaders" thought little interest led them public. However, Zakharchenko and Plotnitski, to simply survive, sooner or later have to negotiate with Ukraine. Without this they could do just nothing. In other words, in Russia they are needed. Life shelf released. Head "LDPR" during  their  "reign" in the occupied territories involved in the sale humanitarian assistance from Russia, "sheltering" points of sale in the markets, "spinning" of business, railway transportation, coal sales, smuggling and manufacturing of medicines. And so on to infinity. "Goods" get

The overwhelming corruption

February 20, 2014 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has officially announced the beginning of the temporary occupation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russian Federation. October 7, 2015 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the relevant law. International organizations have recognized the occupation and annexation of Crimea illegal and condemned Russia's actions. Western countries have introduced a series of economic sanctions. In turn, the Russian authorities have denied the occupation of the peninsula. According to them, it is "the restoration of historical justice."  To date, corrupted state is the foundation of life of Russian society. With each passing day it will melt more and more familiar and normal for citizens. Corruption - the abuse of official position and authority, giving and receiving bribes. And all this is in spite of the legitimate interests of society and the state. Since the annexation of Crimea thirst for corrupt actions of Russian officials has