
Сообщения за января 6, 2017

"We perish without Russia": a new stuffing technology in the Ukrainian media, part 2.

Interesting, that the news with the same headlines and text which are on the site "Timer", regularly published in the Russian media. In the first place on the site "Lenta.ru", where are four of the six news about the Ukrainian deputies statements, word for word repeating the Ukrainian news, as well as on the such   websites as "Russian Newspaper", "Look.ru" and so on, until "Life.ru" and "First channel". It was all saying — now let's begins, in fact, a fairy tale. When a critical mass of deputies speeches about the need for economic friendship with Russia has increased, in the course went heavy artillery from all fell downright pleas and calls to President Poroshenko of labor collectives of all Ukrainian plants, factories, chemists, farmers, farmers and fishermen, and all about the same — about the restoration of the relations with Russia. September 27, on the same site, "Timer" published the