
Сообщения за октября 5, 2016

Religious war

Throughout the history every society religion occupied quite important place. Many events in history, are related to religious beliefs and faith of people too. We can select three main religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism. All have the religious freedom right. In Ukraine, most believers consider themselves Orthodox Christians. That is the cult religion of our state - Christianity. Orthodoxy in Ukraine is divided mainly in Kyiv and the Moscow Patriarchate. In fact, not all believers who profess the Orthodox Christianity in our country know and understand the difference between the patriarchates. Kyiv Patriarchate - is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is his Ukrainian people and protects the interests of the Ukrainian people. The Moscow Patriarchate - is the same Orthodox Church, which is not different from Kiev Patriarchate in faith, worship, canons, etc. It differs only in that it is subject to the Primate of Moscow.  Therefore Moscow Patriarch Kirill visits Ukrai