
Сообщения за декабря 15, 2016

Aleppo- this is Donbas: Putin kills equally.

Putin is strong only when the shells exploding, died women, children and the men fighting. Western journalists noticed a surprising pattern in the actions of Russia in Donbass and Syria. Columnist for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Reinhard Feather, for example, directly compares the Donetsk and Syrian scenarios: "Moscow is negotiating to resolve the conflict, and simultaneously allow escalation of hostilities". All right, the partners’ hands are tied. If they try to defend themselves they are accused of violating the "peace agreements", are beginning to twist arms and demand to be more constructive. So it was with Ukraine after Minsk and so is happening with the free Syrian army. And it is unlikely that Western observers would have paid attention to this coincidence, if not for the start of mass destruction of the civilian population by Putin and Assad. This is really a good tactic — because the Western partners of Vladimir Putin are premised on