
Сообщения за февраля 13, 2018

Russian burglars, killers and former cops: mercenaries from the PMC “Wagner”

The soldiers of the Russian PMC "Wagner", fighting in Syria, are mostly former soldiers, servicemen of the special forces, police or prisoners. It was reported by the former soldiers of the PMC “Wagner” in an interview with Telegram-channel WarJournal. “Despite the fact that many of the soldiers of the PMC have served in the army and special forces, I think that 90% of them do not understand where they are going. The desire to earn money bruises the brain completely. Therefore, having got into a real mess, they declare that they did not come here to die, but to earn. They are called "500ths", that is, slackers or defectors, they are immediately sent to rigging brigades, loaders of shells, etc., "said a former "Wagnerite " named Sergei. Another PMC “Wagner” fighter named Gennady states that many mercenaries were previously convicted for serious crimes. "In life, those who came to Syria are mainly losers, usually former c