
Сообщения за декабря 20, 2016

In the "Lugansk People's Republic" has started a real war for control of smuggling.

In the self-proclaimed "LPR" is gaining momentum confrontation between the employees of the so-called "LPR General Prosecutor" and "LPR Ministry of Public Security". As previously reported, on March 28, 2016 held hardware meeting of the "LPR Council of Ministers", on which Plotnitsky has instructed the heads of law enforcement agencies to stop the supply of smuggled fuel to the "Republic". "The General Prosecutor's office of the LNB" in the course of the operation of the "Stop smuggling" had given a key, coordinating role, which identifies priorities in the implementation of this operation. "The Ministry of Public Security of LPR" and its leader, L. Pasechnik were removed by Plotnisky from conducting operations to combat smuggling on the territory of the breakaway "Republic". The fact that at the time, chief "security officer" of the self-proclaimed "LPR" Leonid Pas