
Сообщения за декабря 6, 2016

Russian media spread fake about Ukrainian volunteers

Russian propaganda continues to sling mud at the Ukrainian volunteers. Spreading false information media are trying to discredit the Ukrainian volunteers movement who had made a significant contribution to the Euromaidan victory in 2014 and reformation of the army. A subsidiary project of Russian media group "Russia today" (established on the basis of RIA Novosti) Ukraine.ru published an article titled "Volunteers: the most lucrative profession of Ukraine." On the example of three volunteers, Igor Serdyukov who is a journalist of Russian site, "proves," as those had earned a fortune in Ukrainians donations. "Resourceful citizens have taken on the mission to supply weapons, ammunition, medicines and food, suffering without this Ukrainian army, and then formed a volunteer corps," — said about in the beginning of the material. The news were reprinted by infopolk.ru, informburo.dn.ua and some others. StopFake decided to show how Ukr

Journalists have proved the falsification of the elections to the State Government of the Russian Federation

By example of polling stations in Mytishchi new Russian newspaper journalists have proved documentary that the votes have been taken from other parties in favor of United Russia. In 68 of the 96 districts, the results were rigged in favor of United Russia. Journalists of the Russian "New Newspaper" have been received a documentary evidence of the falsification in favor of United Russia at the elections to the State Government of the Russian Federation. The numbers in the protocols of the polling stations and the CEC are not the same. In 68 of the 96 districts, the results were rigged in favor of United Russia. Total 1969 voters were stolen. “The government assures us that it was one of the most honest elections in Russian history. But on the example of Mytischi we can prove that the elections were grossly falsified. If it was in the same town, which was across the country?“ - said in the investigation. The journalists demanded to consider publishing a stat