Surkov: "Zakharchenko and Plotnitski live their last days"

The current so-called governance of L / DPR became unprofitable for Russia Federation. The buzz in the media on this issue has risen since last June, but then it was only about Zakharchenko. In February of this year we have already started talking about the resignation Zakharchenko and Plotnitski. In July this year it has gone into action.

Informants from Novorossia area reported that Moscow gave the order to eliminate the curators of Donbass from power current leaders. The order came from V. Surkov, "... it is necessary as soon as possible to create conditions for the elimination of the power of Plotnitski and Zakharchenko ...". Russia needs a controlled, incapable of self-government regime in Donbas, performing exclusively Kremlin orders. It is not surprising would be if one of the leaders of the L / DPR "accidentally" die, because in achieving of the goal is good by any means. As the events of the last two years, it is clear that Moscow is no stop at nothing, human life for Putinists is worthless.

The leader of "LPR" Plotnitski, who eliminated once objectionable for him Mozgovyj, will now be able to feel the hard way what it means to be a target.For the leader of "DPR" Zakharchenko has been, so to say, attempted. July 23, he came under fire in Avdeevka area, where he was sent by Russian curators. Russian media says nothing mysterious details of the incident and the state of health of the victim. Plotnitski is frightened in earnest, he will be the next.
