
Сообщения за октябрь, 2016

The European vector of the Kremlin's disinformation

Moscow in its own way prepares for the second anniversary of the Euromaidan- Russian Federation pushed its "main front" of the line of contact in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions into the country and trying to use the anniversary to further destabilization of the situation and rebuilding its influence in Ukraine. The Russian leadership is preparing another information campaign, which should give a significant impulse to the further undermining and so unstable socio-political situation in Ukraine. Its initiators planned to add to the already existing a couple of pain points which should cause the frustration and wrath of the Ukrainian society. So, in Moscow paid attention to the gradual change of the rhetoric of the West in the talks with Ukraine: instead of concern  now are expressed the claims to the quality and speed of reforms the fight against corruption, etc. And the Kremlin decided to use it. Moreover, that there are suitable informational cause – the seco

CheAnD - Стоп войне (official video, 2014) (Чехменок Андрей) (Премьера к...


CheAnD - Письмо солдата (official video, 2015) (Чехменок Андрей) (Премье...


Religious war

Throughout the history every society religion occupied quite important place. Many events in history, are related to religious beliefs and faith of people too. We can select three main religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism. All have the religious freedom right. In Ukraine, most believers consider themselves Orthodox Christians. That is the cult religion of our state - Christianity. Orthodoxy in Ukraine is divided mainly in Kyiv and the Moscow Patriarchate. In fact, not all believers who profess the Orthodox Christianity in our country know and understand the difference between the patriarchates. Kyiv Patriarchate - is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is his Ukrainian people and protects the interests of the Ukrainian people. The Moscow Patriarchate - is the same Orthodox Church, which is not different from Kiev Patriarchate in faith, worship, canons, etc. It differs only in that it is subject to the Primate of Moscow.  Therefore Moscow Patriarch Kirill visits Ukrai

“Russian soldiers in Ukraine: the devil in the medals”: thousand of Russian servicemen fighting in Donbas, - Bellingcat’s report

Experts group found the number of medals “For Distinction in Combat” with serial numbers awarded in Russian Federation. Thousands of Russian servicemen participated in conflict in Donbas region. Photo: bellingcat.com. Bellingcat Group, which is engaged in the military investigations from open sources, said that over 10,000 Russian military could be brought to the conflict in Donbas. This is stated in the report "Russian soldiers in Ukraine: the devil in the medals," published on August, 31, Patriots Ukraine transmit. In particular, the experts group noted that the earlier results of other studies indicated the Russian soldiers who posted photos received medals. As the representatives of Bellingcat, the value of these photos is that most state awards of Russia have a serial number using which you can accurately determine the number of awarded persons. Experts say that comparing the pictures of two medals handed at different times, you can see how many medals were