The European vector of the Kremlin's disinformation

Moscow in its own way prepares for the second anniversary of the Euromaidan- Russian Federation pushed its "main front" of the line of contact in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions into the country and trying to use the anniversary to further destabilization of the situation and rebuilding its influence in Ukraine.
The Russian leadership is preparing another information campaign, which should give a significant impulse to the further undermining and so unstable socio-political situation in Ukraine. Its initiators planned to add to the already existing a couple of pain points which should cause the frustration and wrath of the Ukrainian society.
So, in Moscow paid attention to the gradual change of the rhetoric of the West in the talks with Ukraine: instead of concern  now are expressed the claims to the quality and speed of reforms the fight against corruption, etc. And the Kremlin decided to use it. Moreover, that there are suitable informational cause – the second anniversary of the Maidan.
Moreover, the information campaign is going to be a quite success: the organizers, apparently well acquainted with the specifics and peculiarities of the Ukrainian media field- they took into account that the Ukrainian audience have not believed the Russian kisilevschinoy. But traditionally relies on the European media – and regardless of the country or even the level of publication. So the attack was decided to entrust the journalists of European countries. Moreover, the proposed topic is sensitive both in Ukrainian and in European societies.
Only minus is that the new European structures to counter Russian propaganda StratCom East, could during implementation of the campaign to see firsthand the "hidden reserves of the Kremlin" also in the European media field.
And what do we see?
The main targets defined the power unit - the Ministry of internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and Ukrainian security service, The foreign intelligence service and Central Intelligence Agency of Ukraine. Investigation on the last three organizations are paid particularly well – the disruption and disorientation of the Ukrainian security services, located also in the process of constant transformation, is almost the main task: getting advance information Kiev often organizes opposition in the early stages, which greatly confusing Moscow cards.
That’s why, during October to the several journalists in Germany, Belgium and France engaged in military subjects and investigations of corruption, were disturbing by members of  lobbying structure that previously was seen in promoting the interests of the Kremlin in Europe. One were offered to publish a compromising evidence on the Ukrainian security forces almost "from the safes of the first persons of Ukraine". Other were requested to conduct a journalistic investigation on this subject which was submitted to the European consume at the same time they promised to help with all necessary materials and newsmakers. Thesis database in this information campaign - corruption and general inefficiency of the state, and especially its power unit, which "irrational spending budget and funding of Western taxpayers coming to Ukraine in the form of loans and repayable financial assistance".
The journalists are recommended to focus on how the Ukrainian security officials "are wasting time on personal enrichment – instead of fighting the Russian aggression at the front and inside the country", that makes it impossible to win for the second year in a row.
And substantiates all of the above "close mentality of the Ukrainian security forces and secret services to their Russian opponents, and  the historical relationship between them, which continued after the beginning of the Russian aggression".
It is planned that at first it will "swallow" by the Western audience, and, after translation into Russian language, the information – but already with reference to Western sources, will pick up Russian and Ukrainian media and Russian "fifth column" of politicians and experts in Ukraine.
General purpose of this information
is broader than that Pro-Russian militants in the Donbass, which resumed its shelling of Ukrainian troops. Apparently, the Russian curators and promoters want to cause a rebellion against the military leadership, repeating the collapse of the German front in 1917.

Or do at the organizers of this venture in front of the eyes are images from the Russian TV series "the fall of the Empire" - when in 1917 the rampaging and uncontrollable crowd, warmed up by provocateurs and diluted with soldiers from the front, breaking into a Russian "secret police" and begins to destroy everything in its path.

Therefore, the information campaign is scheduled to start by the end of November in Europe under the form of a "European opinion" and is aimed directly at all of Ukrainian society for showing the failure of the power unit and the national security system as a whole; to stimulate the loss of public confidence to the security forces (and according to all the polls the security forces are now trusted more than any other state institutions); and to provoke further discontent against the Petro Poroshenko personally, and against the Ukrainian state as a whole.
