Second series: for what does the FSB need a new story with the Ukrainian saboteurs

Thursday, November, 10, the Russian FSB (Federal Security Service) said that they detained subversive group from the Defense Intelligence Agency of Ukraine in Sevastopol. Saboteurs allegedly had a weapon, explosives and planned to attack military infrastructure utilities of the Crimean Peninsula. Considering that a similar story taken place in August did not bring Moscow special dividends, this time motives are completely incomprehensible, Russian journalist Leonid Radzikhovsky says. In his column for "Apostrophe", he explained why there is no rational motive for Ukraine to organize sabotage in the Crimea, and for Russia - to invent new fake.
The story is very strange, absolutely incomprehensible. The case is that the first story took place in August, even in early August. So, after August, September, October - three months ago. Had subversive group been a real, had saboteurs been real, then, of course, during these three months they would have given some evidence, investigators would have held some press conferences - in general, a publicity would be. But it was not. It squeaked and immediately fell silent. It certainly suggests that it was unsuccessful imitation.
Putin then had some plan that he announced. The plan was the next: if there was such a "terrorist attack", so we don’t have any affairs with Ukraine (while diplomatic relations we will maintain, with a completely unknown reasons), we degrade Poroshenko publicly (and in his face - the whole Ukraine), refuse to speak to you, no matter who, in "Normand Four" format. The three - Russia, Germany and France – behind closed doors decide the fate of flunker, truant. Teachers' meeting gathered and let the flunker stand at the door waiting for his fate - that was the Putin’s plan. But anything of this plan did not work, and everything seems vanish, this game failed. Question: What is the purpose to arrange the same film, the second series? This I can not understand.
Perhaps this is actually Ukrainian subversive group? It is certainly possible. But again, it is not clear why this is necessary. Suggesting they had exploded something in Sevastopol. So what? For what does Ukraine need this? It would be a grand scandal, they would probably broke last diplomatic relations. And what would be the benefit to Poroshenko? A new president was elected in America recently. It is clear, the sabotage group is not sent in one day: they have a long period for preparation and the order is given directly. Well, they may shoot off fireworks on this occasion, explode some tower or storage tanks. For what? For the next president once said, "Well, Ukraine! Bandits! Some IDIL. Why on earth we have to deal with them ?!" It is senseless absolutely.

Thus, Ukraine didn’t send this group. Perfectly. So this is another Russian imitation. Again, the question is: why? Fall into the same trap the second time and play performance "Oh, you are so bad, we will exclude you from the “Four”, but they didn’t exclude again? Some kind of joke. When telling the same joke twice in a row, it's something very stupid. Especially since it is initially stupid.
