In the "Lugansk People's Republic" has started a real war for control of smuggling.

In the self-proclaimed "LPR" is gaining momentum confrontation between the employees of the so-called "LPR General Prosecutor" and "LPR Ministry of Public Security".
As previously reported, on March 28, 2016 held hardware meeting of the "LPR Council of Ministers", on which Plotnitsky has instructed the heads of law enforcement agencies to stop the supply of smuggled fuel to the "Republic". "The General Prosecutor's office of the LNB" in the course of the operation of the "Stop smuggling" had given a key, coordinating role, which identifies priorities in the implementation of this operation.
"The Ministry of Public Security of LPR" and its leader, L. Pasechnik were removed by Plotnisky from conducting operations to combat smuggling on the territory of the breakaway "Republic". The fact that at the time, chief "security officer" of the self-proclaimed "LPR" Leonid Pasechnik held the position of chief of division on struggle against smuggling of the main Department of management of security service of Ukraine in the Lugansk region. Work on the "profile" beekeeper continued and as a "Minister of state security LPR".
Between "the LPR General Prosecutor" and "LPR Ministry of Public Security" has started a real war for control over illicit flows from the territory and on the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
07.10.16 the members "of the LPR General Prosecutor" together with employees of "Financial police" of the so-called "State Committee for taxes and charges" during the RAID in Krasnodon district, near the border with the Russian Federation, found two bases for the storage and transfer of fuel and lubricants imported into the territory of the "LPR".
According to information of analytical Department the illegal base for storage and transit of smuggled petroleum products existed in the times of Ukraine. Base operated thanks to the power cover from the corrupt employees of the security service, who supervised and was directly involved in the financial schemes for the implementation of the smuggling of fuel. Currently, control over the activity base and sale of smuggled fuel were carried out by the employees "LPR Ministry of Public Security".
"LPR Ministry of Public Security" has not kept itself waiting with the answer. After receiving a bribe of 15 thousand rubles was arrested the Prosecutor’s assistant of the Slavyanoserbsky area, "the LPR Prosecutor General" Sumin Konstantin Olegovich. It is noteworthy that the Sumin detention took place on the day when the staff of "the LPR Prosecutor General" celebrated their "professional holiday"
November 19, 2016 on the official website of the "LPR Prosecutor General" there is information that "the investigative of Department of the LPR Prosecutor General" prosecuted against Sumin Konstantin Olegovich". Sumin dismissed from bodies of Prosecutor's office and concerning it elected a measure of restraint in the form of recognizance not to leave. However, it is reported that "the wrongful actions during realization of operational information from the security officers, "the Prosecutor General's office" address to the "LPR Ministry of Public Security" directed representation about elimination of the reasons and conditions contributing to it.
However, the "LPR Prosecutor General" decided not limited to the submission to the "LPR Ministry of Public Security". During the last calendar week of November is held a number of meetings of the so-called "regional Prosecutor's offices".
For example, on 25 November 2016 at the initiative of the Prosecutor of the city of Sverdlovsk Alanskogo G. P. were held a coordination meeting with heads of law enforcement agencies. 29 November 2016 under the leadership of the self-proclaimed "Prosecutor Krasnodon district Prosecutor's office" A. M. Obukhov were held the same Ministerial meeting of the so-called "leaders of public authorities, law enforcement and Supervisory authorities of the city of Krasnodon and Krasnodon district.
On the agenda of both meetings one key question – "the order of interaction of public authorities, law enforcement and regulatory authorities in the suppression of the importation of goods into the territory of the LPR outside the customs control or with concealment from customs control (smuggling), as well as the implementation of this group of goods including excise on the domestic market of the region."
After conducted by the district prosecutors of the self-proclaimed "LPR" meetings, employees of "LPR Ministry of State Security" 2 December 2016 in the Krasnodon area has been discovered a staging post for smuggled goods, where they found and seized six thousand packs of cigarettes with a total value of 180 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that the base is "worked" under the patronage "the Prosecutor Krasnodon district Prosecutor's office" A. M. Obukhov
In fact, it is a Declaration of a state of war between "the LPR General Prosecutor" and "LPR Ministry of Public Security". The conflict between the "power structures" of the self-proclaimed "Republic" has a purely material basis. It is the desire of each party to the conflict, namely: "the LPR General Prosecutor", which operates with the support of the Plotnitskiy and LPR Ministry of Public Security", which is headed by a former officer of security service of Ukraine, L. Pasechnik, to establish monopoly control over the extraction of coal, contraband flows from the territory and on the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
