The media exposed the fake of "ISIS militants" in Azov

The journalists have exposed an "evidence" of the "Donetsk People's Republic" fighters as if in the unit "Azov" are fighting "Islamic state" terrorists.
BBC is writing about this, reports "Word and Deed".
This fake was filmed in a former major cultural center of Donetsk. Currently, this is a labor camp of the "Ministry of State Security of DPR".
Photo and video submission appeared on 3 January 2016 on one of the pages of the hacker group "Cyberberkut" in the social network "Vkontakte". In the post, it was about the fact that the hackers gained an access to the smartphone of one of the fighters of "Azov", where they found the materials.
In the video, four men in "post-modern" uniforms – black-green camouflage of the British army one of them was combined with a hat with symbols of ISIS. Two others wore scarves-arafatki, rather appropriate in the desert, and the stripe of the Ukrainian special division "Azov". The last was like a ninja in a mask with an inscription in Arabic "there is No God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet".
They unloaded the weapons, mostly produced in the countries of the European Union, provisions, equipment and hookah smoking which is strictly prohibited in the real, not the "clowns" of the Islamic fundamentalists.
"Clowns" has surrounded themself with weapons, banner of ISIS and the "Azov" and began to be photographed, covering their faces with scarves. The play continued in adjacent buildings under the shouts of "Allah Akbar!" and shots in the direction of the private sector and the waste heap.
The BBC managed to find a shooting place with the geographical service Wikimapia. It proved to be the foundation "Isolation" in Donetsk. At the request of journalists, foundation staff examined that fake and also came to the conclusion that the video was made here.

Many Russian media, for example, "", "Reedus," "Islam Today", included that fake in their news feeds. TV "Star" and the TVC showed the fake on the broadcast.
