
Сообщения за 2017

The story of a "Givi" or how to make a crossbow

Many days are fighting under the Avdeevka. Just January 31, fighters of DNR raised the issue of the truce, after no long time, still decided to go on the offensive. To follow the tactics of a coward, for fighters of DNR is the norm. This is evidenced by the number of supporting facts, including the last, supposedly was wounded in the battle the leader of "DNR" by nickname "Givi", but we will come back to it later. In the social networks are a lot of gossips, supposedly the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffer huge losses and gradually lose their positions. But, as it became known from the intercepted radio conversations of    fighters, the figures show a very different situation. And all these gossip can be considered as an informational campaign of terrorists. According to terrorists, only gang "Somali" has lost about 40% of the fighters and is currently in depression. It's time to remember the so-called legendary commander and still the head

The pilots of the U.S. air force give a way for the Russian aircrafts in the sky over Syria.

Publication reports, that the pilots from Russia are creating a dangerous situation. The pilots of the U.S. air force have stated about dangerous encounters with Russian fighters in the sky over Syria. Herewith, as says the Wall Street Journal the American pilots prefer to give a way to the Russian planes to avoid the collisions. The publication claims that, despite of the signed in the autumn of 2015, a Memorandum of Security when flying in Syria, the rapprochement of the planes has continued. According to the newspaper, the American pilots accused the Russian pilots in ignorance of the rules of safe divergence of the vehicle, or inability or unwillingness to comply with them. "They rarely give a verbal response. Rarely go to the side. We don't know what they see or don't see and we don't want them crashed into one of us," major General Charles Corcoran said. As writes the edition, the commanders of the U.S. Air Force are concerned that t