The pilots of the U.S. air force give a way for the Russian aircrafts in the sky over Syria.

Publication reports, that the pilots from Russia are creating a dangerous situation.

The pilots of the U.S. air force have stated about dangerous encounters with Russian fighters in the sky over Syria. Herewith, as says the Wall Street Journal the American pilots prefer to give a way to the Russian planes to avoid the collisions.
The publication claims that, despite of the signed in the autumn of 2015, a Memorandum of Security when flying in Syria, the rapprochement of the planes has continued. According to the newspaper, the American pilots accused the Russian pilots in ignorance of the rules of safe divergence of the vehicle, or inability or unwillingness to comply with them.
"They rarely give a verbal response. Rarely go to the side. We don't know what they see or don't see and we don't want them crashed into one of us," major General Charles Corcoran said. As writes the edition, the commanders of the U.S. Air Force are concerned that the incidents may trigger a new round of tensions between Moscow and Washington in settling the Syrian conflict.
"When the plane crashes, according to statistics, the crash likely occurs due to any mechanical faults and not due to the fact that the ship was knocked by someone. But, because of uncertainty of the situation and of the lack of coordination during the war, people will tend to think that the plane crashed due to enemy action," the U.S. Air Force, Colonel Daniel Manning said.
Earlier, the Lieutenant General of the U.S. Air Force, Jeff Harrigan has stated that on 17 October, the Russian Federation and the United States aircrafts had dangerously closed in the sky over the Syria. According to the representative of the Pentagon, both planes flew with turned off lights and passed at a distance of about 800 meters from each other. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation expressed only surprise about this situation.
