The Russian army in the Donbass, US experts have gathered the evidence of their presence.

Left: photo of the Russian military Bato Dambaev, which he posted on his own page "VKontakte" in February 2015 (during the battle for Debaltseve). Right: photo of the Vice News journalist Simon Ostrovsky. Both pictures were taken at the checkpoint in Uglegorsk, near Debaltseve
Researchers at the center of the Atlantic Council built their evidence in open sources: photos and video testimony that are posted in social networks by Russian soldiers.
"Atlantic Council" released the proofs of the presence of Russian troops in the occupied territory of Donbass. An experts of International analytical center presented in Kyiv report "Hiding in plain sight: Putin's war in Ukraine".
The researchers built their evidence in the open sources: photographs and video testimony that that are posted in social networks by Russian soldiers.
It is a Bato Dambayev, the trooper of the Russian army. In the photo he is in Russian military uniform, here - with fellow soldiers at a base, here - in the tank. The Photos has been dated to the end of the 14th year and were made in Buryatia, where Bato is on the Russian-Mongolian border. And here is a different photo from others. At this Buryat trooper in uniform without insignia – only a white band on the sleeve and he is standing in the middle of the battlefield. The photo is dated February 15th. It was fighting under Debalcevo.
All pictures are taken from social networks: a Russian soldier did self and posted on his page "VKontakte". American journalists tried to find out where Bato did this last self, and went to the Donbass.
The research ended successfully. In Destroyed Uglegorsk in the Donbass, an American reporter  found the same place and did the same self that in February of this year was made by the trooper from Buryatia. As says reporter Simon Ostrovsky, which withdrew his investigation into a documentary film "soldiers self ", the Bato Dambayev’s story is one of those facts which prove conclusively that the army of the Russian Federation involves in the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
This and fifty more such evidence gathered international experts of the analytical center "Atlantic Council". The center issued a report titled "Hiding in plain sight: Putin's war in Ukraine". The collection is printed also in Russian: to have had the opportunity to read the Russians, the leader of which continues to deceive his people, saying that the Russian army in the Donbass is not fighting.
As the researchers note, their data are taken from public sources. And insist that these facts prove the presence in Ukraine is the current Russian army is not volunteer and "vacationers". These facts put an end to all talk about the alleged "civil war". And if earlier against the word of the Ukrainians was the word of the Russians, then the aggressor will not be able to hide behind this lie.
According to the expert, "Atlantic Council" Maximilian Copernic, there is no doubt that the evidence they have collected and that collected by ordinary citizens in social networks, testify that Russia invaded on the Ukrainian territory.
"This is a war that is fueled by Russia and controlled by Russia and Putin personally. And the worst thing is: while this war goes on and people are dying Ukrainian citizens and Russian citizens, Putin and the Kremlin continues to deny any involvement. They lie not only to the international community. Most importantly they lie to their own people about what is happening. And we think that it is time for Putin to stop lying and tell the Russians that he was doing it at the expense of Russian taxpayers and the lives of Russian soldiers", - said the expert, "Atlantic Council" Maximilian Supersic.
