"We perish without Russia": a new stuffing technology in the Ukrainian media, part1.

New technology implemented through a number of Ukrainian media, such as "Timer", "Comments", "112 Ukraine", "Ukrainian news", "Korrespondent", "AIF in Ukraine", "Vesti.ua", "Golos.ua".

Russian engineers are actively implementing new types of stuffing — now they're not fake accounts in social networks and the actors playing to the camera. A new notion of propagandists is to create informology in Ukraine with the help of the Internet technologies, and then this information could be used by Russian media.
The technology that at the past few months implement in Ukraine — petitions calling "in whatever was to restore economic relations with Russia to save Ukraine's economy". If you look at how this message applies to Ukrainian and Russian media, you get a detective story — with intrigue, climax and, of course, the main characters.
One of the heroes of this story was an oligarch Dmitry Firtash, who gave an interview to Russian resource "Ukraine.rui". The site now is headed by Iskander Khisamov, and he took Firtash interviews. In this interview Firtash, the oligarch who in addition to core business is also the co-owner of the media group "Inter", together with Sergei Lyovochkin, insists on the need to restore economic ties with Russia, otherwise, to his opinion, Ukraine is waiting for collapse.
"Today, a third of enterprises are unprofitable, many of them on the verge of stopping or has already stopped. You need to understand the reasons for each enterprise and work on their startup. For example, “Antonov” this year will not be able to produce any aircraft because of a rupture of relations with Russia they don't get the components. You need to stop playing, you have to talk directly with the Russians. It is clear that the Minsk talks, “Norman Quartet” will not solve economic problems. Need to find a solution to all issues. Even in the Crimea it is possible to find a solution.
The interview was published October 12, 2016, and was the final point in a series of events. So, since the end of the summer in the Ukrainian and Russian media have been announced a whole series of statements of the Ukrainian deputies, who called for the restoration of economic relations with Russia.
A full chronology of those parliamentary statements was published by the Odessa resource "Timer" — with the same type of titles "the deputy from such a party called on to put up with Russia".
Besides Odessa "Timer", which, according to media reports, belongs to the former Deputy Igor Markov, who fled to Russia, most of the news about the deputies, calling to "put up with Russia", created on the website "112 Ukraine".
And they arise very strange: for example, "Ukrainian News" (included in the media group "Inter"), September 7 at 13:46 publish the video with the Deputy Bezbahom  - and a refer to the video "which appeared in social networks". At the same time on the site "112" were published the news about Bezbahe on the same day at 12:50 — but with reference to "Ukrainian News".
