"We perish without Russia": a new stuffing technology in the Ukrainian media, part 3.

October 13 the petition with a similar request to Poroshenko was published on the website of the Kharkiv JSC "Industrial scientific-technological company "INTEK"". The check shows that this site was created on 10 October, exactly three days before the appearance the petition — although the site has news, allegedly for 2015 and 2014.

October 20 on the website "news of Uzhgorod" was published the news that the team "Karpatneftekhim" (Ukrainian subsidiary of LUKOIL) also absolutely cannot live without Russia and demands from the Poroshenko to restore ties with Russia. The website "news of Uzhgorod" is not in Google search, and preserved links to the news in Ukrainian and Russian media, lead to nowhere.
On November 10, the company's website "Єvronasіnnya" appeared the same petition as in the previous cases and the company's site, as well as Kharkiv "INTEK" was created three days before the publication of the petition is November 7, 2016.

November 16, on the website of news Agency "Kharkiv" (according to the media, is a Russian website) was published, a similar petition from the Zmiev machine building plant team, November 30, on the same site there was a petition from the Moscow combine of bakeries — and in both cases the site has scanned copies of the documents of those appeals.
At the same day on the website "Vesti.ua" without specifying the source appeared the information about the petitions from the Dnieper Company "Agrico-Terra".
Finally, on the December 14 a similar appeal from the Kherson Company "Robusta Agro" was published on the website "Golos.ua".

In the end, all that news with all petitions and similar content also appeared in the Russian media — and in the end many of them were written very typically, after October 11, there was a PostScript: "against the background of these appeals October 11, Parliament decided to create a group for the restoration of economic ties with Russia." And this "group" actually was created on the initiative of Bezbah, just a day before the release of an interview with Firtash — 11 Oct. Also in the Russian news there are links statements of Firtash and Novinsky, who are called to the same in September.
