"We perish without Russia": a new stuffing technology in the Ukrainian media, part 4.

All those boring enumeration of the petitions would be useless, if not for a small detail: the "media Detector" appealed to the leadership of the three companies mentioned in the list, "Karpatneftekhim", "pedigree farm "Steppe"" and Lihachevsky bread products plant — and all three companies reported that nothing was signed and had already given a rebuttal in the local press. However, for some reason these denials on the local press did not go (call recording is at the disposal of edition). Another refutation was made publicly by the Director of the plant "Finval-2006". Surely other enterprises in addition to these will contest his participation in the parade of proclamations — especially as the situation is fairly typical.

So, for the several plants, including "Fin", "Evrosemena" and "Inteka", has been created the sites in haste. In two cases even were created the documents signed by the Directors — although the lawyer of the Lihachevsky bakery denied the existence of such document.
In all cases, the information appeared in the regional sites, and then picked up by larger media.
You need to specify that the Security Service of Ukraine believes that the "DM" source up this autumn hadn’t engaged with the creation of websites for the sake of stuffing in the Ukrainian information space so consistently. This was done either through the controlled resources, or through the fake accounts in social networks. Now, apparently, the introduction of a new technology is conducting systematically and with a bigger budget: you have to pay for the placement of these fakes in the Ukrainian media, and create the fake web sites and, moreover, to disperse all these fakes in Russia. Or "TASS" or have already mentioned the Russian newspapers «Vzglyad», «Lenta.ru» don’t disdain this news, and Viktor Medvedchuk personally paid attention to all these petitions, which described in detail how many and which companies have already "asked" to Poroshenko. In short, the project is ambitious and expensive.

So it has the third part. As if an appeal to Poroshenko from labor groups and oligarchs for this attack were not enough, they decided to connect the broader segments of the population to exert pressure on Poroshenko, "to restore economic relations with Russia". At the beginning of December on the websites of the regional councils of Poltava, Chernihiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions, also on the website of the Kropivnitsky city council there are petitions as if inhabitants of the areas supposedly also call to restore these relations urgently. All these petitions quickly gained the necessary number of votes and overcame the necessary barrier for the discussion the petitions at the meetings of councils. However, as is writing at the submission of the website "Stopfake", there are three petitions in the Poltava, Kiev and Chernigov regions which have the signs that weren’t created by the inhabitants of these regions, and the election results were rigged."

"To create the account were used an anonymous foreign VPN server and the servers of the uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, in particular, the of Lugansk city. Also, according to the register, from a single IP address their signatures were signed by several people.
It is interesting, that Bezbah, when he have been initiated the creation of the group in the Parliament, also had been began collecting petitions under the address to Poroshenko with a request "to restore economic relations with Russia" — only the signatures he collects are not ordinary citizens, and the deputies.

Naturally, all information about the "petitions" immediately reprinted the pool mentioned by the Russian Medias and also figures from the Ukrainian Medias: it is traditionally "Vesti", "112", "Korrespondent" "Kommentarii", which are then received by the Russian Medias. Obviously, someone really needs to create the impression that ordinary Ukrainians, politics, Industrialists and farmers directly cannot live without economic ties with Russia. And it would be wise to understand exactly who is behind this well-paid supply of fakes in the Ukrainian media — options, in fact, a little bit.
