Russia is losing prestige and reputation

Taking into account the recent events arriving on the background of the operations in Syria, we can safely say that the Russian Federation simply begins to "burn" becoming a rogue state. A lot of dead and wounded - and this is not only among the ranks of so-called pawns.

         I heard one proverb - the further into the forest, the more firewood. Because the more the Russian Federation pokes its nose into matters that do not concern it, the more problems occur in the state itself.
         It's just interesting what will be said about the last grief that had happened in Syria. Namely, the military column, which included more than two hundred servicemen from the Russian private military company and was smashed into splinters. It is already known about the large losses of Russian mercenaries from the Wagner PMC in Syria. But especially it is not discussed on TV - because the actions "in Ukraine" are much more important than the fact that Russian guys are dying in Syria.
         It is also worth noting that this PMC was one of the best private armies of Putin. Of course, except Chechen special forces from Gudermes. After all, it is no longer a secret for anybody that the "Emperor" made the subordinates of the former enemies.
         And in general, I note that this operation in Syria, all these high-profile successes of the military space forces - which bombed, as it turned out, residential districts and much more - had a detrimental effect on the world prestige of the Russian Federation. All the failures are always visible ...
         There is such a tendency as in the proverb: Covetousness brings nothing home”.

         As for me, it just perfectly fits the description of Putin. And despite this, no matter how loudly they shouted that Putin was a fine fellow - everyone understands that it is not true. And people understand it not only in the country, but throughout the world.
