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The European vector of the Kremlin's disinformation

Moscow in its own way prepares for the second anniversary of the Euromaidan- Russian Federation pushed its "main front" of the line of contact in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions into the country and trying to use the anniversary to further destabilization of the situation and rebuilding its influence in Ukraine. The Russian leadership is preparing another information campaign, which should give a significant impulse to the further undermining and so unstable socio-political situation in Ukraine. Its initiators planned to add to the already existing a couple of pain points which should cause the frustration and wrath of the Ukrainian society. So, in Moscow paid attention to the gradual change of the rhetoric of the West in the talks with Ukraine: instead of concern  now are expressed the claims to the quality and speed of reforms the fight against corruption, etc. And the Kremlin decided to use it. Moreover, that there are suitable informational cause – the seco

Russia is losing prestige and reputation

Taking into account the recent events arriving on the background of the operations in Syria, we can safely say that the Russian Federation simply begins to "burn" becoming a rogue state. A lot of dead and wounded - and this is not only among the ranks of so-called pawns.          I heard one proverb - the further into the forest, the more firewood. Because the more the Russian Federation pokes its nose into matters that do not concern it, the more problems occur in the state itself.          It's just interesting what will be said about the last grief that had happened in Syria. Namely, the military column, which included more than two hundred servicemen from the Russian private military company and was smashed into splinters. It is already know n about the large losses of Russian mercenaries from the Wagner PMC in Syria. But especially it is not discussed on TV - because the actions "in Ukraine" are much more important than the fact

Russian burglars, killers and former cops: mercenaries from the PMC “Wagner”

The soldiers of the Russian PMC "Wagner", fighting in Syria, are mostly former soldiers, servicemen of the special forces, police or prisoners. It was reported by the former soldiers of the PMC “Wagner” in an interview with Telegram-channel WarJournal. “Despite the fact that many of the soldiers of the PMC have served in the army and special forces, I think that 90% of them do not understand where they are going. The desire to earn money bruises the brain completely. Therefore, having got into a real mess, they declare that they did not come here to die, but to earn. They are called "500ths", that is, slackers or defectors, they are immediately sent to rigging brigades, loaders of shells, etc., "said a former "Wagnerite " named Sergei. Another PMC “Wagner” fighter named Gennady states that many mercenaries were previously convicted for serious crimes. "In life, those who came to Syria are mainly losers, usually former c

The story of a "Givi" or how to make a crossbow

Many days are fighting under the Avdeevka. Just January 31, fighters of DNR raised the issue of the truce, after no long time, still decided to go on the offensive. To follow the tactics of a coward, for fighters of DNR is the norm. This is evidenced by the number of supporting facts, including the last, supposedly was wounded in the battle the leader of "DNR" by nickname "Givi", but we will come back to it later. In the social networks are a lot of gossips, supposedly the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffer huge losses and gradually lose their positions. But, as it became known from the intercepted radio conversations of    fighters, the figures show a very different situation. And all these gossip can be considered as an informational campaign of terrorists. According to terrorists, only gang "Somali" has lost about 40% of the fighters and is currently in depression. It's time to remember the so-called legendary commander and still the head

The pilots of the U.S. air force give a way for the Russian aircrafts in the sky over Syria.

Publication reports, that the pilots from Russia are creating a dangerous situation. The pilots of the U.S. air force have stated about dangerous encounters with Russian fighters in the sky over Syria. Herewith, as says the Wall Street Journal the American pilots prefer to give a way to the Russian planes to avoid the collisions. The publication claims that, despite of the signed in the autumn of 2015, a Memorandum of Security when flying in Syria, the rapprochement of the planes has continued. According to the newspaper, the American pilots accused the Russian pilots in ignorance of the rules of safe divergence of the vehicle, or inability or unwillingness to comply with them. "They rarely give a verbal response. Rarely go to the side. We don't know what they see or don't see and we don't want them crashed into one of us," major General Charles Corcoran said. As writes the edition, the commanders of the U.S. Air Force are concerned that t