
Сообщения за 2016

The Russian army in the Donbass, US experts have gathered the evidence of their presence.

Left: photo of the Russian military Bato Dambaev, which he posted on his own page "VKontakte" in February 2015 (during the battle for Debaltseve). Right: photo of the Vice News journalist Simon Ostrovsky. Both pictures were taken at the checkpoint in Uglegorsk, near Debaltseve Researchers at the center of the Atlantic Council built their evidence in open sources: photos and video testimony that are posted in social networks by Russian soldiers . "Atlantic Council" released the proofs of the presence of Russian troops in the occupied territory of Donbass. An experts of International analytical center presented in Kyiv report "Hiding in plain sight: Putin's war in Ukraine" . The researchers built their evidence in the open sources: photographs and video testimony that that are posted in social networks by Russian soldiers. It is a Bato Dambayev, the trooper of the Russian army. In the photo he is in Russian military uniform, here - with f

In the "Lugansk People's Republic" has started a real war for control of smuggling.

In the self-proclaimed "LPR" is gaining momentum confrontation between the employees of the so-called "LPR General Prosecutor" and "LPR Ministry of Public Security". As previously reported, on March 28, 2016 held hardware meeting of the "LPR Council of Ministers", on which Plotnitsky has instructed the heads of law enforcement agencies to stop the supply of smuggled fuel to the "Republic". "The General Prosecutor's office of the LNB" in the course of the operation of the "Stop smuggling" had given a key, coordinating role, which identifies priorities in the implementation of this operation. "The Ministry of Public Security of LPR" and its leader, L. Pasechnik were removed by Plotnisky from conducting operations to combat smuggling on the territory of the breakaway "Republic". The fact that at the time, chief "security officer" of the self-proclaimed "LPR" Leonid Pas

Aleppo- this is Donbas: Putin kills equally.

Putin is strong only when the shells exploding, died women, children and the men fighting. Western journalists noticed a surprising pattern in the actions of Russia in Donbass and Syria. Columnist for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Reinhard Feather, for example, directly compares the Donetsk and Syrian scenarios: "Moscow is negotiating to resolve the conflict, and simultaneously allow escalation of hostilities". All right, the partners’ hands are tied. If they try to defend themselves they are accused of violating the "peace agreements", are beginning to twist arms and demand to be more constructive. So it was with Ukraine after Minsk and so is happening with the free Syrian army. And it is unlikely that Western observers would have paid attention to this coincidence, if not for the start of mass destruction of the civilian population by Putin and Assad. This is really a good tactic — because the Western partners of Vladimir Putin are premised on

The media exposed the fake of "ISIS militants" in Azov

The journalists have exposed an "evidence" of the "Donetsk People's Republic" fighters as if in the unit "Azov" are fighting "Islamic state" terrorists. BBC is writing about this, reports "Word and Deed". This fake was filmed in a former major cultural center of Donetsk. Currently, this is a labor camp of the "Ministry of State Security of DPR". Photo and video submission appeared on 3 January 2016 on one of the pages of the hacker group "Cyberberkut" in the social network "Vkontakte". In the post, it was about the fact that the hackers gained an access to the smartphone of one of the fighters of "Azov", where they found the materials. In the video, four men in "post-modern" uniforms – black-green camouflage of the British army one of them was combined with a hat with symbols of ISIS. Two others wore scarves-arafatki, rather appropriate in the desert, and the stripe of

Russian media spread fake about Ukrainian volunteers

Russian propaganda continues to sling mud at the Ukrainian volunteers. Spreading false information media are trying to discredit the Ukrainian volunteers movement who had made a significant contribution to the Euromaidan victory in 2014 and reformation of the army. A subsidiary project of Russian media group "Russia today" (established on the basis of RIA Novosti) Ukraine.ru published an article titled "Volunteers: the most lucrative profession of Ukraine." On the example of three volunteers, Igor Serdyukov who is a journalist of Russian site, "proves," as those had earned a fortune in Ukrainians donations. "Resourceful citizens have taken on the mission to supply weapons, ammunition, medicines and food, suffering without this Ukrainian army, and then formed a volunteer corps," — said about in the beginning of the material. The news were reprinted by infopolk.ru, informburo.dn.ua and some others. StopFake decided to show how Ukr